Pinterest currently has 200 million monthly active users. This fact alone is the reason why you should integrate a Pinterest strategy into driving new users and impressions to your site. Pinterest would further help you increase your brand footprint because Google will place Pinterest boards high up in Google searches which means that if you are strategic then you can increase visibility to your blog posts. Currently, I am in the process of creating a strategic Pintrest account for my blog and have learned and researched a lot of ways that people create strategic boards that drive traffic.
Here are a few ways that you can start building a brand Pinterest strategy:
Create a Blog Board
Creating a blog board will make it easier for new people to specifically find your blog post and even follow your board for new content. Make the title of your Pinterest Blog Board the same as your blog page title. Also, utilizing keywords in the title of your boards will make it more likely to show up in search results.
Use Strategy In Your Board Design, Themes, and Pins
If you are the type to just Pin everything and anything stop right there. Think about the topics and the things that you write about on your blog and create boards that align with your topics, brand and lifestyle. In the design of your boards you can also even look into creating board covers that align with your blog’s brand. It is also essential to pin a mixture of content and ensure that you link it back to your site.
Quality Images
Just like any visual social media platform, quality images are important. Higher quality pins will receive more re-pins. Also, statistics show that long pins get more re-pins so creating info graphics are also a great way to create brand awareness.
Be Active On Pinterest
On any kind of social platform it is important to engage and in addition engage with your readers. A few ways that you can engage with your followers on Pinterest is to pin relevant and original content, pin consistently, follow back, ask questions that can be answered to your blog, like and comment on great pins, and re-pin as much as you can re-pin.
Include a Pin It Button On Your Blog
Including this pin is essential and will make it easy for your readers to share your content and effectively increase your brand awareness.
Comment down below with your Pinterest and if it’s worked for you!
Thanks for the tips. Currently Pinterest is the most used source for content for my blog. Although I don’t fully understand it, I’m trying to work on keeping it going.
Thank you for this! I’ve been blogging for years, yet I’m recently learning about the importance of Pinterest. Making an account now!
im still trying to figure out pinterest its the outlet thats more then just posting, Thanks for sharing