Soul: Life is very short and it is important to find the moments that feed you soul and your happiness. Activities that can feed your soul could be as simple as spending time with your friends and your family. Traveling is also a good way to step away from the craziness of life and be one with yourself and calmness.
Here are 5 great ideas to feed your soul and enjoy life:
- Explore and join a travel group
- Travel Noir’s mission is to make travel more readily available and appealing to people of color and to provide a community and space for black travelers.
- Paint n’ Sip Night with your friends
- Paint n’ Sips have been popping up all over as more and more people have enjoyed the experience of art and wine. It is a great way to relax with your friends and let your mind drift as you attempt a masterpiece.
- Spirituality is a very important aspect of feeding your soul
- There are many people who have not found their connection to the universe and others. You may have grown up with religion and have found your place or you may have grown up with it but feel displaced. There are also those who have not found proof and therefore do not believe. It is important to build your own personal connection and if you question it to find the answers and get your self to a place of acceptance and understanding.
- A good start is to simply download the Bible app. The bible app is a quick and easy way to start small and get into a guided reading plan.
- Family Gathering
- Family is the one thing that you don’t choose and you are born with and even if you don’t have a good relationship with them there are connections to them that are just embedded in your history.
- If you have built a family outside of the family you were given or even just haven’t seen your family in a while it is a good idea to just gather with your family or take a trip to appreciate the ties you have built over time.
- Take a solo trip and do something you enjoy
- Many people are afraid of going places by them selves and do not know how to be comfortable in their own skin.
- A solo trip is a great way to do an activity that you love and just challenge yourself to be comfortable on your own. Examples could be just going to a dance class on your own or even going to an art exhibit. Challenge yourself to get outside of your comfort zone.
Yesss all of the above