In the winter time it’s definitely important to have a good skin care routine as the cold weather can be very drying. I love trying out different products and have been making a transition towards more natural and organic options that work for my skin as I have a dry to normal skin combination.
The following are the products I have been using to keep my skin glowing during the winter time.
The Face
Shea Moisture Problem Skin Facial Wash & Scrub
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Clarifying Mud Mask
Avohass Extra Virgin Cold-pressed Unrefined Avocado Oil
DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Toner
The benefit of using Apple Cider Vinegar is that it is antiseptic and anti bacterial which is great for skin infections, acne, and eczema. Other great benefits is that it balances the natural ph of the skin, breaks up the bonds between dead skin cells to keep pores open, and can lighten sun, age spots, and acne scarring.
Filtered Water
For sensitive skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water
For normal/dry skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts water
For oily skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water
The Body
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Body Wash
Natural Organic Shea Butter from the beauty supply store
Comment down below the products that you use during the winter time!
Outfit Details
Fur Coat: Forever 21
Shorts: Lord & Taylor Design Lab
Boots: Shoe dazzle (no longer available on site)
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Hello, My Name is Comfort and I am a blogger living in NJ.
This is a hub where fashion, motivation, and women of color can meet to inspire, support and motivate each other towards success.
I will post weekly look books, highlight businesses owned by women of color and offer any lessons and motivation I have learned along the way.
I am not an expert but I think there is beauty in the process and I feel like more people should hear about the journey.
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