At the start of the new year it is always important to put your intentions, goals, and self affirmations on paper as a contract to yourself to progress yourself along the path you desire. Ask yourself key questions and really decide what will make you happy in the New Year. Write down all the things that make you happy and figure out what you need to do to live in happiness, peace, and love. In your career, where would you like to see yourself within the year and what tools do you think you need to reach the next level. In your life, take a look at your relationships and decide if they are benefitting you or hurting your self progress and positivity. De-clutter your space and your life of things that hold you back or influence you towards negative habits. Look within yourself and truly figure out what can be holding you back from your happiness.
You have been blessed with a new year of life, a new year of grace, and a new year of progress. You will never get back 2017 and you only live each day once. De-cluttering, organization, time management, and a clear sight of your life goals and happiness will be a major key in living each day more purposely.
Comment down below how you have put purpose into your 2018!
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