During your path towards fulfillment you also feel so fed up with not getting what you want that you start to make concessions and accepting things that you know are beneath your level of skill or that you know does not align with your goals or your vision. If this is you then you are in fact settling. You know that you deserve better and the only way you will be able to reach the next level is if you get rid of the fear and accept your place at the top. You are capable, you are hardworking and you deserve everything that you have been working hard to achieve. I think that sometimes people hinder their success because they don’t feel like they deserve the next level and then they begin to ask for things that do not align and then the end result is misalignment. Consistency in this journey towards alignment is essential! Continually work and place yourself towards the vision that you envision for your life, stay faithful, and eventually you will experience a positive result!
Comment below if you have experienced this feeling!
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