I think everyone in the world is born with potential. Everyone comes with capabilities, attributes and a genetic code that makes each person unique. This unique code coupled with our environment and influences can result in an individual following the mold or the accepted path of the world or an individual deciding that they are going to look more deeply into themselves and discover their potential. The path to minding yourself and taking a closer look into your inner workings is a personal journey that can sometimes make you feel alone. However, only the brave and the successful can speak to taking this journey to stand up and stand out. It is definitely not an easy thing to stand out and it can often be scary especially if you see others following the mold.
I think the catalyst to a motivated mind is when you have something or someone to work towards. Who or what is your catalyst? Or you may fall into the category of an individual who is unmotivated and does not see potential in their future. How do you find your catalyst? The key is definitely to look into your self. Your environment and your influences may guide you into the believing that you have no potential but you can fight these influences simply by looking at your strengths, discovering how to maximize your strengths and filling your mind with motivational content which may include podcasts, YouTube channels, blog sites, or people you see that inspire you to be great.
If you have looked into yourself, found your catalyst, and have found your motivational tools then you are definitely on a positive path to success. Success will not come easy and success comes with hard work and sacrifice. What are you willing to let go and sacrifice in order to ensure your future? It could be the negative people in your life or the people holding you back from realizing your potential. It could also be yourself and bad habits. How are you organizing and managing your time and your life to reach your goals? All of these questions are a part of the journey towards self-discovery and learning your place in the world. Self-discovery is definitely a major part of the journey of an entrepreneur. I call myself an entrepreneur because I am still going through this journey and by putting positive energy into the world and speaking things into existence there will always be a positive return effect that will be my stamp on the world.
Guide To Realizing Your Potential
- Take a closer look into yourself
- Find your catalyst
- 30-day challenge: remove yourself from tv, social media, and music. Fill yourself up with motivation and inspiration of any form.
- Get rid of bad habits and negative people
- Continue on your journey to self discovery and leave your stamp on the world
Drop a comment in the contact form with your thoughts on realizing your potential!
I am still in the journey to reaching my potential and hopefully to figure it out sooner than later. Loved this.
I feel like the people I surround myself with have a huge effect on my potential. I really need to take a closer look into them as well.
No way could I do that 30 day challenge away from TV and social media! But I do think it’s important to realize your potential. I have gotten rid of negative people.
I haven’t yet realized my potential and I don’t admit that lightly. I’m a work in progress. I don’t want to set myself up for failure so I know I can’t take the 30-day challenge. Sad but true.
Really timely post I must say I have been at a cross road for a while now, so many potential moves to make and I have had so much on my plate, makes me feel like I am losing direction.. I accept your 30 day no social media challenge.. Just can’t decide when to start.. Lol
Not surrounding yourself with negative people is great!
Xo, Sondra
I have to work a bit more on realizing my true value. Those are great tips to help me get there. The 30-day challenge seems to be the hardest one.
It really is important that we realize our true worth! These are really great tips to help those that need to!
I feel like I’m always a work in progress in this area. I love that you did the conclusion with the bullet points at the bottom. It’s a great take away.
I think its a great post. I have never been in a challenge like this. But i would love to try this for sure.
This very topic has been in my heart and mind lately. Trying to find myself and what is my purpose. How can I better serve and leave a mark. Thanks for this post.
Everyone is able to push themselves to thor max and achieve their goals. It’s a matter of having the drive and determination and wanting it bad enough.
What an amazing post! The challenge is a hard one because of my social media, but I’d love to try it. Thanks for sharing!
I will be working on finding my potential until the good Lord calls me home.