M iM Connect is a platform and space for minorities in the media industry to come together and share their lived experiences, advice, ask for advice, and share events that are beneficial. Netta Dobbins and Bianca Jeanty came together in 2016 with their friend Anthony Crawford and discovered the importance of simply asking for help. The group originally started as an informal email chain among media professionals and grew into a network of 800 and more professionals. Bianca and Netta both come from different backgrounds and their journeys further prove that connections and authentic networking can really help to further a person’s career. Their journey also expresses the fact that no one can really plan their life. Life comes with a variety of dips and turns but in the end you will get what is meant to come for you in your life. Bianca began her professional career with aspirations of becoming a dentist. All her life she was pushed and encouraged by her Haitian-American family to pursue a career as a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. However, once she made it to the end with a full ride to Penn she quickly realized that dental school was not her destiny and she dropped out and switched into a career in communications.
Netta Dobbins has also shared a similar experience where she has switched and pivoted her career as she learned more about herself and what she truly wanted out of her career. She entered college with the goal of becoming a nurse but she had no idea what she truly wanted to do and chose the path of becoming a nurse as she was inspired by her mother who was also a nurse. However, while in college she joined a variety of groups and quickly learned that she enjoyed event planning and writing. Her passion for the two things led her to switch her career into PR. After graduating, she was able to quickly move from Tennessee and pursue her career in PR with an internship at one of the largest PR firms in New York. 2 years into her career in PR, Netta again transitioned her career into advertising after going to an event suggested by a fellow MiM Connect member. It was at the event that she was able to meet the senior Vice President of the company where she now works as a Social Strategist.
In an interview with Jopwell, Bianca also gave insight into the importance of feeling discomfort because in the end it brings growth.
Fear of making mistakes is essentially the fear of learning lessons. I personally want to evolve into a media-tech maven. The only way that can happen is if I get over high levels of discomfort.
It is clear by both Netta’s and Bianca’s professional journeys that discomfort and being able to constantly challenge yourself is essential to growth and reaching a level that you may not have imagined for your future.
Boss Watch will feature creatives, entrepreneurs, influencers, digital professionals and anyone who is moving their passions from an idea into a reality. Boss Watch is for anyone who aspires to live a fulfilled life and just needs a little bit of inspiration to know that they are not alone on their journey towards self-realization. Boss Watch is for anyone who has made it through the growing pains of realizing their dreams and is now looking to share wisdom or just find new people to increase their network. Is this you? If so, then feel free to leave a comment or email cnkstylebook@gmail.com for a chance to be featured on the next Boss Watch.
Comment down below if you have struggled with challenging yourself or even switching careers!
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