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Creativity is inborn and there are many people who aspire towards the many glamorous creative pursuits of becoming the next big photographer, artist, model, and influencer. Often times it is very easy to buy into the crowd and the hype but before you follow the crowd it’s very important to do a self check . Are you pursuing something because you love it and it’s a natural progression of your self realization or are you doing it simply because you know it will make you money or give you numbers. Asiyami Gold embodies creativity that ties into self-realization through her many pursuits. She is not only a designer but she is also a photographer, creative director, traveler, and foodie. Her passion for travel is easily captured through her creative eye and the vibrancy of her images. In an interview with Karissa Mitchell from Saint Heron, she was able to advise on how to stand out in an overly competitive field.
Also, Asiyami’s love for an aesthetically placed dish also plays into her photographic journal of her travels. In 2013, Asiyami launched a self titled creative agency that encapsulates her creative vision. She states
Boss Watch will feature creatives, entrepreneurs, influencers, digital professionals and anyone who is moving their passions from an idea into a reality. Boss Watch is for anyone who aspires to live a fulfilled life and just needs a little bit of inspiration to know that they are not alone on their journey towards self-realization. Boss Watch is for anyone who has made it through the growing pains of realizing their dreams and is now looking to share wisdom or just find new people to increase their network. Is this you? If so, then feel free to leave a comment or email for a chance to be featured on the next Boss Watch.
Comment down below if you have struggled with finding your niche, following your passion or standing out!
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Hello, My Name is Comfort and I am a blogger living in NJ.
This is a hub where fashion, motivation, and women of color can meet to inspire, support and motivate each other towards success.
I will post weekly look books, highlight businesses owned by women of color and offer any lessons and motivation I have learned along the way.
I am not an expert but I think there is beauty in the process and I feel like more people should hear about the journey.
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