NxN Worldwide is a brand with a purpose. Each piece highlights the continent of Africa with a gold logo that sets the tone for each piece. NxN Worldwide is an accessories brand with handbags, backpacks, sandals and other pieces that highlight Africa. The brand brings to the table sleek and modern unisex pieces that can enhance any outfit. The genius behind the brand is Nkem Egbuta who has a vision to one day bring NxN Worldwide to the next level by making it a leader in the fashion industry. It is also a brand with a heart with a portion of all proceeds going towards relief, education, and health efforts in Africa.
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Hello, My Name is Comfort and I am a blogger living in NJ.
This is a hub where fashion, motivation, and women of color can meet to inspire, support and motivate each other towards success.
I will post weekly look books, highlight businesses owned by women of color and offer any lessons and motivation I have learned along the way.
I am not an expert but I think there is beauty in the process and I feel like more people should hear about the journey.
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