It was from this vision that she created her site Fashion with a Conscious. Over the years she soon discovered that a conscious person not only craves information on more socially responsible clothing but that a conscious person also craves holistic information on being naturally beautiful, eating healthier and just simply being aware. Soon After, she built her lifestyle brand Conscious and Chic which offers more insight and community for individuals looking to live better lives. The biggest flaw that society has all together is to take, use and build without seeing the repercussions of our actions on the planet or to our being.
Boss Watch will feature creatives, entrepreneurs, influencers, digital professionals and anyone who is moving their passions from an idea into a reality. Boss Watch is for anyone who aspires to live a fulfilled life and just needs a little bit of inspiration to know that they are not alone on their journey towards self-realization. Boss Watch is for anyone who has made it through the growing pains of realizing their dreams and is now looking to share wisdom or just find new people to increase their network. Is this you? If so, then feel free to leave a comment or email cnkstylebook@gmail.com for a chance to be featured on the next Boss Watch.
Comment down below if you have always wanted to live more holistically or consciously!
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