Ofuure is a brand that is all about color and vibrancy. Starting in 2015, Ofuure has made a name as an award winning label. Each piece has been made to stand out and features bold patterns and prints. The brand is made for the go-getter and empowered woman who knows style. Ofuure has also been recognized by major publications such as Nylon, Essence, InStyle, FashionBombDaily and many more. The name Ofuure means “It is well” and it is this motto that shines through each piece.
Discomfort is a segue into wisdom and growth. Blake Von D didn’t let her discomfort and uncertainty as a soon to be college graduate hold her back but instead she embraced her discomfort and pushed herself towards a new reality. Today, Blake is an Attorney and digital influencer and over the years she built up a community of individuals who understood the reality of growing and stumbling through life to reach their greatness. There are many times the media promoted and upheld perfection as a standard, but Blake was able to create a platform that embraces the struggle and made it safe to not be perfect and acknowledge that not everyone has everything all together. Blake also loved art and she used her personal style to express herself. Her relatability and impeccable style quickly grabbed the attention of many readers as she built a community across 6 continents and it allowed her to work and be recognized by major brands and publications.
Boss Watch will feature creatives, entrepreneurs, influencers, digital professionals and anyone who is moving their passions from an idea into a reality. Boss Watch is for anyone who aspires to live a fulfilled life and just needs a little bit of inspiration to know that they are not alone on their journey towards self-realization. Boss Watch is for anyone who has made it through the growing pains of realizing their dreams and is now looking to share wisdom or just find new people to increase their network. Is this you? If so, then feel free to leave a comment or email cnkstylebook@gmail.com for a chance to be featured on the next Boss Watch.
Comment down below if you struggle with uncertainty and figuring out what you want to do next!
NxN Worldwide is a brand with a purpose. Each piece highlights the continent of Africa with a gold logo that sets the tone for each piece. NxN Worldwide is an accessories brand with handbags, backpacks, sandals and other pieces that highlight Africa. The brand brings to the table sleek and modern unisex pieces that can enhance any outfit. The genius behind the brand is Nkem Egbuta who has a vision to one day bring NxN Worldwide to the next level by making it a leader in the fashion industry. It is also a brand with a heart with a portion of all proceeds going towards relief, education, and health efforts in Africa.
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Hello, My Name is Comfort and I am a blogger living in NJ.
This is a hub where fashion, motivation, and women of color can meet to inspire, support and motivate each other towards success.
I will post weekly look books, highlight businesses owned by women of color and offer any lessons and motivation I have learned along the way.
I am not an expert but I think there is beauty in the process and I feel like more people should hear about the journey.
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